
We use Royal Mail and Parcel Force for deliveries. On occasion we may opt to use another service provider.

To keep delivery simple we have only 2 price rates for delivery;

  • Standard 3-5 days £2.99 (tracked 48 hours)

  • Express 1-2 days £4.99 (tracked 24hours)

    Please Note orders placed after 3pm will not be packaged and shipped until the next working day.

For many items we meet the additional cost of Postage and Packing rather than pass this on to the customer.

Our Website allows orders to be processed to the UK Mainland and Northern Ireland.

We have on occasion worked with customers to get items to international destinations. If you require us to do this please email and we will provide you with a postage quote and arrange your order.

Once an item has been dispatched you will be provided with tracking details. We cannot access any more information than what you can see once your order has left us.

On occasion Royal Mail or Parcel Force will fail to meet the standard of service paid for and your item may arrive late. If this happens please contact us and if we can, we will issue a postal cost refund.

On occasion items may be damaged or lost in transit. Should this happen please email us at and will advise you according to our returns and refunds policy.